Binance Auto Invest Tutorial – The Easiest Way To a Million Dollar Portfolio

Of 2022 ethereum was around about fifteen hundred or two thousand dollars let’s say it was fifteen hundred dollars so you’ve been buying every single month from January to all the way to June for six months and rather than buying ethereum at four thousand dollars rather than buying it at fifteen hundred dollars you get around about an average price which will probably be around two thousand five hundred dollars somewhere in that range and you may say Jack well why would.

I want an average buying price of two thousand five hundred dollars when I could have just bought it at fifteen hundred dollars well hindsight is a great thing and probably you and maybe many other people out there have no clue when the bottom of ethereum or whatever crypto you want to Auto invest into don’t know when that’s going to be and that’s the beauty of Auto invest it takes the stress out of it and lets the money work for you without even thinking about it.

Steps to Start Investing in Crypto

So let’s see how we can in fact go ahead and invest. First of all one once you’ve made your account using my link down below to secure that bonus we can see there are different options. First of all we see all the cryptos that they have available with more right there if you want to see more options and they also have a portfolio.

Steps to Start Investing in Crypto

Auto invest which we can see right here this is something extremely interesting because if you click create plan you can then add coins to your portfolio for example BNB V chain I want some ape I want some polka dot called Donna I want some chain link you can click confirm and then you then select the amount that you want to invest for this portfolio and binance automatically does it for you.

Benefits of Binance Portfolio Auto Invest

Benefits of Binance Portfolio Auto Invest

This is an amazing way if you are a beginner to go ahead and invest in crypto over a long period of time. You can also Auto populate it as well and this will Auto populate it um I’m not sure on what parameters but yeah if you don’t want to choose it yourself you can Auto populate it so this portfolio Auto invest is definitely something interesting over on binance I think it’s an amazing feature that really takes the stress and pain and and can make you a lot more profitable when we come around to the next bullet Market.

Investing in Specific Cryptos on Binance

Investing in Specific Cryptos on Binance

If you wanted to invest in a certain thing for example BNB right here over one year you just click create plan you then it will take your available usdt balance I have around two thousand four hundred dollars or you can select buy with credit card if you didn’t want to use your usdt balance which is another an amazing feature which not many exchanges in fact offer then we can come down here and select daily weekly bi-weekly monthly or hourly you may think why do I want to invest hourly.

Hourly Investment Strategy Explained

  • Well let’s say you have a thousand dollars and you want to get it into ethereum over the next kind of day
  • Rather than just buying ethereum at the current price maybe you think the price is going to change
  • Maybe the merge is coming up which already happened and you don’t want to miss out on that price movement
  • You can simply click and select here eight hours and go ahead and and buy every single eight hours
  • Just be careful on what plan you set it on because you don’t want to set it on one year create plan and then you buy every eight hours or every hour for one year

Weekly Investment Plan for Beginners

Weekly Investment Plan for Beginners

I mean it depends how deep your pockets are but definitely mine are not that deep not this bear Market anyway that’s for sure so yeah you can probably the best thing to do is Select weekly for example every Monday or every Friday I will go ahead and buy a set amount and you can select the amount that you want to buy for example a hundred dollars right there every every Friday it will buy a hundred dollars and that is a great start you can do that with the auto invest portfolio or you can do it with something like BNB or BTC and then send credit time which is now the amount a hundred dollars and the first Auto invest date which is on the um the 14th which is not so far away.

How to Start a Crypto Portfolio on Binance

Certainly! Here’s the paragraph converted into a table format:

Automatic InvestmentThis will then go ahead and automatically invest based on your current balance right there. Alternatively, you can select to invest with a credit card.
Beginner-Friendly InvestmentDescribed as an absolutely amazing way to start investing in crypto and to begin building a portfolio, especially suitable for beginners.
Access to Educational TutorialsIf you are a beginner and haven’t seen my beginners’ buying tutorial, you can find it by clicking the icon of my Channel Down Below. This leads to the home page where all trading tutorials for binance bit are available.
Personalized Learning ExperienceExplore and learn from a variety of trading tutorials available on the platform, tailored to your needs and interests.
How to Start a Crypto Portfolio on Binance

Conclusion: The Importance of Auto Investing

I’ve tutorial as well a beginner’s guide and many more so that’s been Auto invest on binance I think if you are not using it you could be missing out on the next pull cycle because you can be automatically buying during the bear Market when we have cheaper prices thanks for watching guys I’ll catch you in the next one.

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